Monday, November 11, 2013

Flea Bites and Bed Bugs Bites

When the fleas are both the female and the male insects bloodsuckers . Mammals are mostly ( 94%) and much less frequently (6%) afflicted birds of the fleas .

Flea bites usually occur at a single body site and not propagated in rows or groups. Unlike other blood-sucking insects are fleas can easily interfere with their meal or take sample bites before to make appropriate parts of the body in humans and animals identified. This flea bites always occur more than once on the skin . As a result of flea bites it comes to punctate hemorrhages in the skin. It caused some very itchy skin redness with or without hives . Also can occur ( pea-sized thickening of the skin) , which can persist up to two weeks within 24 hours of a papule . Each time flea-bite itch the previous punctures . This phenomenon is referred to as " repetition " . So you can sometimes get the impression that many fleas were simultaneously at work . Indeed, it was but visited only by a single flea .

Cimicosis occur as similar to flea bites in rows

People and pets are plagued by in our latitudes Cimicosis mainly by bed bugs. They are only active at night and suck blood preferentially to the uncovered skin of people. Bed bugs do not have sense organs to detect their hosts from a distance. Only at a distance of about 10 cm, they are lured by the body heat of the human or pet. In a random bug bugs can absorb seven times their own weight in blood. The suction can last up to 10 minutes. Cimicosis occur most often grouped and in rows on (similar to flea bites). In some cases, bug bites are not even noticed. Join Cimicosis but more on ingredients and will not tolerate from the saliva of the bugs submitted stitch, it can result in the formation of wheals and severe itching.

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